
English Grammar Quizzes

This is part of The Internet TESL Journal's Activities for ESL Students.
Sorted by Category
Grammar Quizzes | Vocabulary Quizzes | Other Quizzes
Sorted by Required Browser/Plug-in
HTML-only | JavaScript | Flash

[M] = Multiple-choice, [F] = Fill in the blank

Level 1: Try these first.

Level 2: Easy

Level 3: Easy to Medium

Level 4: Medium

Level 5: Medium to Difficult

Level 6: Difficult

Level 7: Very Difficult

Level Unsorted: Grammar Quizzes about Places

[M] = [M] [F] = Fill in the blank, [B] = Fill-in followed by Multiple-choice
Flash = Flash plug-in required, JavaScript = JavaScript Required, HTML-only = works on any browser

Copyright (C) 1995-2001 by The Internet TESL Journal (iteslj@ge.aitech.ac.jp)