
Veteran's Day Quiz

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  1. Veteran's Day is a ___ of Armistice Day, November 11, 1918.
    a. commemoration
    b. commemorates
    c. is commemorating
    d. commemorated

  2. Armistice Day ___ the day that World War I (WWI) ended.
    a. are
    b. has been
    c. was
    d. is going to be

  3. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in the ___ month, on the ___ day, at the ___ hour in 1918.
    a. eleven
    b. eleventh
    c. seventeenth
    d. seven

  4. Veteran's Day ___ to be a federal holiday by President Eisenhower on November 11, 1954.
    a. was proclaimed
    b. proclaiming
    c. proclamation
    d. proclaimed

  5. In 1968, the United States Congress ___ the date to the fourth Monday in October.
    a. is changing
    b. changes
    c. had been changed
    d. changed

  6. Later in 1978, the United States Congress ___ it to the orginal date of Novemeber the eleventh.
    a. returns
    b. returned
    c. will return
    d. had returned

  7. Every Novemeber 11th at 11 AM, a wreath ___ at the Tomb of the Unknown's in Arlington National Cemetery.
    a. is laid
    b. lays
    c. lying
    d. lain

  8. The soldiers, ___ guard the Tomb of the Unknown's, are called "Sentinels".
    a. whose
    b. who's
    c. who
    d. whom

  9. According to records, in 1997 there ___ two surviving spouses from the American Civil War of 1861-1865.
    a. was
    b. were
    c. have been
    d. will be

  10. Over 400,000 service personnel ___ in World War II (WWII).
    a. was died
    b. dies
    c. died
    d. die

Copyright (C) 2000 by Catherine Rifkin (cmrifkin@fccj.org)
This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.