
Homographs C
Same Spelling-Different Meaning

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* means the pronunciation is different.

  1. What word means able to and is also a metal container?

  2. What word is a boy or man and also means to become rough or crack?

  3. What word means to cut with something sharp and is also a cut of meat?

  4. What word is two or more musical notes and also means together?

  5. What word is a breed of dog and is also slang for food?

  6. What word means to throw or toss and is also a cut of beef?

  7. What word means to fasten and also means to cut?

  8. What word means to shut and also means near?

  9. What word is a fragrant spice and also is a section of a bulb?

  10. What word is a mark of punctuation and also the lower part of the large intestine?

  11. What word means to talk intimately and also is a group of people living together?

  12. What word is an enclosed yard and also means having more than one part?

  13. What word means to swindle and also means to be against?

  14. What word means to ease grief and also is a cabinet?

  15. What word means all things inside and also means to be satisfied?

  16. What word means to talk and also means the opposite?

  17. What word means to complain and is also a kind of fish?

  18. What word means to name numbers in order and also is a nobleman?

  19. What word means to oppose, one who counts and is also a long table in a bar or restaurant?

  20. What word means to brag about something, a large blackbird and also is the cry of a rooster?

  21. What word is a signal and also is the long stick used in a game of pool?

Copyright (C) 1997 by Letitia Bradley
This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.