
Homographs F
Same Spelling-Different Meaning

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* means the pronunciation is different.

  1. What word means speedy and also means to go without food?

  2. What word means someone who likes you and is also a device to stir up air?

  3. What word means did fall and also means to cut down a tree?

  4. What word means did feel and is also a type of cloth?

  5. What word means fine quality and is also the money paid as punishment?

  6. What word means suitable and is also a sudden attack?

  7. What word means solid or hard and also is a business or company?

  8. What word means beautiful, honest and is also a bazaar?

  9. What word means a banner and also means get tired?

  10. What word means smooth and is also used in British English for an apartment?

  11. What word means rapid and is also a group of ships?

  12. What word means both the act of flying and the act of fleeing?

  13. What word means to struggle and is also a kind of fish?

  14. What word means to move through the air with wings and is also an insect?

  15. What word means a lucky stroke and also means a kind of fish?

  16. What word means to prevent carrying out plans, a thin metal sheet, and a long narrow sword?

  17. What word means to bend over itself and is also a pen for sheep?

  18. What word is part of the body and also means to prepare for trouble?

  19. What word means to set up or establish and also means did find?

  20. What word means bold talk, is a man's name and also is a hot dog?

  21. What word means to fight and also means to become ragged?

  22. What word means young fish and also means to cook in a shallow pan?

  23. What word means to melt together and is also a slow burning wick?

Copyright (C) 1997 by Letitia Bradley
This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.