
Homographs H and I
Same Spelling-Different Meaning

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* means the pronunciation is different.

  1. Which word means to conceal or keep out of sight and also is an animal skin?

  2. Which word means to tip over to one side and is also the back of the foot?

  3. Which word means to sell or peddle goods and is also a bird of prey?

  4. Which word means to bring forth young from an egg and is also and opening in a ship's deck?

  5. Which word means to hold back and also is a large basket or container?

  6. Which word is a shout of welcome and are also pieces of ice that fall like rain?

  7. Which word means to grasp and keep and is also the part of a plane or ship used for cargo?

  8. Which word is a sled dog and also means big and strong?

  9. Which word means to force to stay and is also a doctor in training at a hospital?

  10. Which word means not valid and is also a disabled person?

  11. Which word means to make very angry and is also a burning material used in religious ceremonies?

Copyright (C) 1997 by Letitia Bradley
This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.