
Homographs Q and R
Same Spelling-Different Meaning

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* means the pronunciation is different.

  1. What word is the sound a duck makes and is also a phoney doctor?
  2. What word is a lot of noise and is also used to hit the ball when playing tennis?
  3. What word means to bring up and is also the back part?
  4. What word means hasty and is also small red spots on the skin?
  5. What word means to write down and is also a music disk?
  6. What word means to count again and also means to tell in detail?
  7. What word means to sway under a blow, is a spool for winding and is also a lively dance?
  8. What word means to hold back and is also the part repeated in a song?
  9. What word means to say no and is also waste or trash?
  10. What word means means to sleep and is also what is left?
  11. What word means to ransack or search through and is also a gun with a long barrel?
  12. What word is a circle and is also the sound of a bell?
  13. What word means to clean a hole and is also 500 sheets of paper?
  14. What word means to complain bitterly and is also a wooden or metal bar?
  15. What word is a row or a line and also means having a bad odor?
  16. What word means to use oars to move a boat, a line and is also a noisy fight?
  17. What word means to cheer for someone and is also the underground part of a plant or tree?

Copyright (C) 1997 by Letitia Bradley (tishwish@mx.baycity.or.jp)
This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.