
Homographs S (2)
Same Spelling-Different Meaning

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* means the pronunciation is different.

  1. What word means to press flat and is also a kind of vegetable?

  2. What word means unchanging and is also a building for horses?

  3. What word means to delay and is also a place in a stable for one animal?

  4. What word means only and is also a type of fish?

  5. What word means to scatter seeds and is also a female pig?

  6. What word means to argue and is also the mast of a ship?

  7. What word means to say the letters of a word and is also a magic influence?

  8. What word means to sprinkle liquid and is also a small branch with leaves and flowers?

  9. What word means to follow secretly and is also the main stem of a plant?

  10. What word means to remain and is also a support?

  11. Which word means to stop or dam up and is also a part of a plant?

  12. What word means harsh or strict and is also the rear part of a ship?

  13. What word means not moving and is also the equipment for making alcohol?

  14. Which word is an account of an event and is also a floor of a building?

  15. Which word means to leave helpless and is also a thread or string?

  16. Which word means to remove and is also a narrow piece of cloth?

  17. Which word means to take in and is also a small bird?

Copyright (C) 1997 by Letitia Bradley
This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.