
Homographs T
Same Spelling-Different Meaning

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* means the pronunciation is different.

  1. Which word means to strike lightly and is also a faucet?

  2. What word means to pull apart and is also a drop of liquid from the eye?

  3. What word is a building for worship and is also the side of the forehead?

  4. Which word means sour, but agreeable and is also a small fruit filled pie?

  5. What word means the sound of a clock and is also a small insect?

  6. What word means to slant and is also a present of money for services?

  7. What word means to become weary and is also the rubber around a wheel of a car?

  8. What word is a browned bread slice and is also a wish for good luck?

  9. What word is the sound of a bell and is also the fee paid for driving on a road?

  10. Which word means to take care of and also means an offer?

Copyright (C) 1997 by Letitia Bradley
This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.