title="Assorted Questions" level="Medium" category="Grammar" date="May 23, 1999" type="Multiple-Choice" writer="Charles Kelly" copyright="1999" bgcolor="FFFFCE" url="http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~ckelly/" email="ckelly@ge.aitech.ac.jp" I ___ a dog. have has I ___ in Japan. live living lives is living Let's ___ tennis tomorrow. play playing plays played to play ==== Delete everything below this line before emailing the data. === 1. Edit the "header" to include your name, quiz title, etc. If you have no web page or email address, leave that data blank, like this. url="" email="" 2. Delete the sample quiz items and write your own in the same way. Even quizzes with 100 questions will have a small filesize and should download quickly. 3. Delete everything below the ====== line above. 4. Email the data to: iteslj@ge.aitech.ac.jp The data must be in this format. 2 RETURNS before each question (one blank line) 1 RETURN after each line of the question item. Don't use any QUOTES. Actually you can use them if you preceed them with a BACKSLASH. She said \"good morning\" to me. (The \ might not be a BACKSLASH if you are using a non-English font.) Anywhere from about 20 questions to 100 questions per quiz is OK. Each question item looks like this. Line 0 - (There needs to be a blank line before each question.) Line 1 - QUESTION Line 2 - CORRECT Answer Line 3 - INCORRECT Answer - At least 1 is required Line 4 - INCORRECT Answer - The rest are optional. Line 5 - INCORRECT Answer Line 6 - INCORRECT Answer For more info, see... http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/quizzes/js/project.html