Search for English Sentences

Limit to the 900,000+ proofread sentences on List 907.
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Limit to the 700,000+ sentences with audio.


Help the Tatoeba Project by translating into your own native language by clicking on the icon when you see it.

Recommended English to Translate

  • These searches will help you find natural-sounding, error-free English sentences.
  • Be patient. It may take a while to find these sentences.

Sentences with audio are usually good.

Find sentences that are not yet translated into

random order shortest first recent first
Also don't show indirect translations.

Sentences by a native speaker are usually good.

Find sentences that are not yet translated into

random order shortest first recent first
Also don't show indirect translations.

You can bookmark the resulting page and use your bookmark in the future to do the same search. You then won't need to return to this page.

Search English with audio not yet in your language

not yet translated into
random order shortest first recent first
Also don't show indirect translations.

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You do not need to join the Tatoeba Project to read the sentences.

See a Random Selection of English Sentences with Audio

Search English with Audio

English sentences with audio are much more likely to sound natural and not have errors.

Find sentences that are translated into
random order shortest first recent first

Warning! There are errors!

  • Some sentences sound unnatural and are likely contributed by less serious members who use as a "playground" to practice their non-native languages. Sometimes even native speakers produce unnatural-sounding sentences when they try to match the source language too closely.
  • Some sentences use archaic and/or old-fashioned language and perhaps aren't really suitable for people learning a foreign language.
  • Some sentences contain grammar and vocabulary errors.
  • Some linked sentences may not be good translations.

Join the Tatoeba Project

We invite you to register and help us by translating from a foreign language you know into your own native language or by creating natural-sounding sentences in your own native language for others to translate into their native languages.

Some Basic Rules

  1. We want complete sentences.
  2. We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations.
  3. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources.
(There are more Guidelines and Rules in the Wiki.)