Translate eng with audio to fra

If you plan to translate a lot of sentences, you can save a lot of time if you go to your settings and change the "number of sentences per page" to something higher than 10. This way, you will get a lot of sentences on each page, and you won't have to wait for as many page loads.

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Limit to the proofread sentences on List 907. (Over 900,000)
relevance random order shortest first newest first
Limit to sentences with audio. (Over 800,000)

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Get random English sentences by this username with audio.

Replace CK with the desired username.

Pre-set Searches (Showing sentences that still need fra translations.)

These are a few selected searches to help you learn how to effectively use the "advanced search" functions.

Try some advanced searches.

  • ^I
    Sentences beginning with "I"
  • ^You|^I|^We
    Sentences starting with any of these words
  • Tom$
    "Tom" is last word of the sentence.
  • ^Tom Mary$
    "Tom" is the first word. "Mary" is the last word.
  • Tom << Mary
    "Tom" before "Mary"
  • (^Tom|^He)
    The first word is either "Tom" or "He".
  • Words ending in "ing"
  • Find Patterns
  • Find by Tags
  • Try searching some of the "wildcards."

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    Search: get random eng with audio with fra translations
